ISSN: 1204-5357
The Impact of Financial Crises and Economic Growth of East Asian Countries
In last quarter of 1997, the economic crises came in the East Asian countries. However, the countries those are affected by these crises are Malaysia, South Korea, Indonesia, Japan, Philippians, Thailand and Taiwan. The reason behind these crises were due to miss management of economic system and bankruptcy because mostly bank became corrupt during these crises and real GDP effected by these crises, whereas GDP in some countries are less effected as compared by the remaining countries after the crises in 2000. But the investment ration fell during that period, whereas, a comparative analysis are done in this paper that showed the investment ratio decreased during the period but slightly recovered after the crises. We explored the growth of the Asian economy and determinants of the economic growth before and after the crises. In the first part of the paper, we review the East Asian economy before 1997 while in second part we discuss the crises development of East Asia countries after the crises. The crisis resulted in the stock market values have failed to pre-crisis values retain is supported by the result. A picture of currency and banking crises exhibited a slightly different image study in the result.
Shabbir MS and Rehman AK
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