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The Literature Concerning the Safety of Propagation of Strategic Innovation

Dr. Hannis Smith*

Department of Financial and Ecommerce, University of Busitema, Busitema, Uganda

*Corresponding Author:
Dr. Hannis Smith
Department of Financial and Ecommerce, University of Busitema, Busitema, Uganda

Received date: 14 January, 2022, Manuscript No. JIBC-22-60077;
Editor assigned date: 17 January, 2022, PreQC No. JIBC-22-60077(PQ);
Reviewed date: 28 January2022, QC No JIBC-22-60077;
Revised date: 08 February, 2022, Manuscript No. JIBC-22-60077(R);
Published date: 18 February, 2022

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Electronic Music Downloads continue to generate controversy in the recorded music industry. In the first years of the 21st century, sales of pre-recorded systems plummeted and were blamed in part on peer-to-peer file sharing of songs by individuals. The Recording Industry Association of America has filed suit against thousands of persons engaged in allegedly illegal files haring. In the past two years, numerous pay-per-song sites have emerged, offering people a legal way to acquire recorded music. Portable digital music devices such as iPod interface easily with computers as well as legal download sites, making digital music a powerful force in the market. In spring 2005, news reports indicated that industry executives were considering increasing the price of music downloads. Furthermore, in spite of selling 300 million songs legally in 2004, the number of pirated songs stayed the same as in previous years. Thus, legal music download sites do not appear to be slowing the volume of illegal song sharing. In this study we surveyed college students to assess their past and current music downloading practices, their intentions to utilize pay services for music, and their perceptions of lawsuits filed by the industry. We conclude by offering recommendations for the industry.
Job seekers submitting and companies accepting resumes online eliminate the need to fax or mail resumes and makes the process of submitting a resume instantaneous. Companies are allowed to receive thousands of resumes in short periods of time, which expedites the process of filling vacancies. When a resume is submitted in an electronic form, it allows a firm to quickly evaluate large numbers of resumes in a limited number of hours through key-word searching. Using a key-word search reduces large numbers of resumes received online to a small number of qualified candidates. Once these candidates have been identified, the electronic resume can easily be transferred to the relevant departments involved in the hiring process. The direct submission and review of resumes lowers the cost of receiving and evaluating potential job applicants.

Literature Concerning Information

The issue raised in the literature concerning the safety of posting resumes online seems to be of little concern. Of the people surveyed, 89 percent would be willing to post their resumes somewhere online. This suggests that as people are learning more about the Internet and become more comfortable with it 96 percent of respondents their perception of security issues regarding personal information on the Internet decreases.
In comparison, the back propagation algorithm requires the examples to consist of input-output pairs. The network architecture of the system consists of a set of laterally interacting adaptive processing elements, nodes, usually arranged in a two-dimensional grid called a map. All the map nodes are connected to a common set of inputs. Any activity pattern on the input gives rise to excitation of some local group of map nodes. After learning, the spatial positions of the excited groups specify a mapping of the input onto the map. The learning process is based on similarity comparisons in a continuous space. The result is a system that maps similar inputs close to each other in the resulting map. The input may be highly complex multidimensional data like in real-life speech recognition, image analysis and process monitoring.
Another challenge for online recruiting lies within the technical abilities of the company websites to provide an effective database that is functional, user friendly, and allows easy data entry for users as well as simple data retrieval by human resource professionals Because the high volume of career sites on the Internet creates natural competition, different sites must use various strategies for attracting visitors to submit their resumes, including different styles of organizational layout, color scheme and navigation. Also, career sites must be designed with advanced capabilities, use of artificial intelligence and keyword matching systems that will accurately reflect search criteria. These attributes are proving to be difficult to accomplish by some company sites.

Disruptive Strategic Innovation

E-philanthropy is an innovation in the Digital Economy, the use of new knowledge both technological and market to offer products or services that customers want. E-philanthropy is not a radical innovation but it is disruptive in that the traditional organizations lack the necessary models of competitive architecture and organizational capabilities and are therefore unable in critical ways to do must be done Miller and Morris, 1999. Typically, a disruptive innovation presents a different package of performance attributes to attributes that, at least at the outset are not valued by existing customers Bower and Christensen, 1995. The performance attributes that existing customers do value improve at such a rapid rate that the new innovation can later invade established markets. In general, disruptive innovations create an entirely new market through the introduction of a new kind of product or service Christensen and Over Dorf, 2000. Charitou and Markides, 2003 extend the concepts of disruptive innovation Bower and Christensen, 1995 and strategic innovation Markides, 1997 to introduce the concept of disruptive strategic innovation. According to Charitou and Markides 2003, disruptive strategic innovation is a specific type of strategic innovation. It is a new way of competing in the industry that is both different from and in conflict with the traditional way. Online brokerage trading and Internet banking provide two good examples of disruptive strategic innovation.

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