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JIBC Editorial

By Gord Jenkins

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As some of you will remember, I was the original Editor who along with Nahum Goldman the Publisher decided on the need for a quality Journal on Internet Banking and Commerce in December 1995 while chatting on an EDI chat group. The rest is history! - the Journal was started in Jan 1996 and is still going strong.

I left in Nov 1998 and moved to Sweden then Australia / Honk Kong / Singapore then India. But that, as they say, is another story! I tried to keep editing JIBC from Sweden but it became increasingly difficult the more I moved around. But I am back for good - after September 11; my travels in future will be virtual.

I look forward to getting back in the reins as the Editor and plan to make some changes I hope you will all like.

• First of all I plan, with our illustrious publisher - and old friend - Nahum's help, to roll all the other Journals (Journal of Internet Marketing (JIM) Journal of Internet Purchasing (JIP) and Journal of Internet Security (JISec) that spun out under the Array JIBC umbrella under one: the JIBC. The main reason of course is the convergence in the last few years of the subject areas.

• Secondly the Journals focus will be forward visionary - historical articles of what happened will only be accepted in the context of extrapolating to the future. We will leave the history to publications such as Harvard Business Review

• Thirdly academic articles will be solicited and encouraged - but the JIBC will be the home to authors from the public and private sector. . The JIBC will continue to be the meeting ground between intellectual academia and the practicing business world.

• Finally I plan on making the Journal more interactive, consultative and reader engagement and involvement. Nice words and I am not quite certain yet how I will do this! Letters to the Editors, forums

• And new forms of consultation and engagement - we plan to be leaders in this new thing called "electronic democracy"

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