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Internet Sales of Approval and Customer Evaluation and Methods of Feedback Information

Dr. David Craft*

Department of Accounting and Financial System, University of Siirt, Siirt, Turkey

*Corresponding Author:
Dr. David Craft
Department of Accounting and Financial System, University of Siirt, Siirt, Turkey

Received date: 28 February, 2022, Manuscript No. JIBC-22-60077;
Editor assigned date: 02 March, 2022, PreQC No. JIBC-22-60077(PQ);
Reviewed date: 12 March 2022, QC No JIBC-22-60077;
Revised date: 22 March, 2022, Manuscript No. JIBC-22-60077(R);
Published date: 28 March, 2022

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The methods of enforcement were addressed during the Senate hearings that were supposed to be aimed, as far as the rural internet access authority was concerned at stricter enforcement of copyright laws. Senator Coleman took to the media, stating that the tactics are too excessive and that we need not club people to death to get people to understand that downloading is a problem. Websites and special interest groups have been formed to combat the rural internet access authority. The system believes it is taking the higher ground, stating that these fines are simply expensive lessons for downloaders to learn, and that the lawsuits are raising awareness. Their public relations strategy, however, draws their own business ethics into question, even cited as a terror campaign, rather than that of the infringers and acts as an enabler to the software distributors certainly not an intended consequence. The first proposition focuses upon the investigation by many companies into the potential extended benefits available through electronic linkages. One such opportunity is associated with in the supplier provides its customers with an onsite company representative acting as a direct salesperson purchasing agent. The onsite representative infuses his product knowledge with the customer's business plans and operations in order to increase value through improved efficiency and effectiveness of both the supplier and customer. Companies are also beginning to appreciate the benefits associated with system as their relationships with customers are further strengthened through the exchange of information over secure networks at the knowledge-level of the organization. This increasing dependence upon the development of channel relationships through technology promotes the following proposition.
Online recruiting is the process of recruiting through commercial job sites or company websites that promotes employment opportunities and retrieves potential employee information. Online hiring is used to post jobs, accept resumes, administer screening tests and correspond with job applicants. In the past, most organizations used employee referrals, newspaper ads and traditional employment agencies to advertise job vacancies. Today, the Internet is a popular method to recruit potential employees, with the competition for qualified talent being online. Over 90 percent of fortune 500 companies use some form of online recruiting. One survey showed 85 percent of companies with 500 or more employees in North America have an online recruiting program. Job seekers are also conducting their searches online. Over 52 million Americans have used online job searches, with over 4 million doing so daily Jansen, and Spink, 2005. Also, studies based on hiring practices reveal that 51 percent of new hires in 2005 were generated from internet sources. The job database claims to have more than 48 million resumes in their database, with almost 4 million people visiting their site on Mondays alone. Similarly, Hadass found that the population of users of this website has increased to 6.5 million and is constantly growing. These numbers do not include the 40,000 other job boards available on the Internet.

Functioning of Corporate Systems

These websites help companies perform the first two major functions of the hiring process attracting applicants to the company through the posting of available jobs and receiving applications and resumes from the internet. Company websites that were originally used as public relations and commerce tools are now creating a virtual labor marketplace. In a survey by, 96 percent of the recruiters polled reported posting jobs on their company's websites. The Value Creation through Corporate Careers websites study from I Logos Research found that 92 percent of fortune 500 companies have a website solely for careers. The results of several surveys and studies suggest that company career websites are very attractive. A survey of job seekers conducted by career roads found that 92.4 percent of respondents were likely or very likely to visit a company's website to find out more about the organization. The study noted that although 85 percent of the respondents had gone to company websites for other reasons, they found themselves checking out available jobs. Another survey of 70 leading US companies performed by direct employers association showed that nearly 25 percent of survey respondents' new hires in 2005 were found using corporate career websites.

Impact of Selection Process

Legal issues must be addressed when a company is engaged in online hiring. One consideration is disparate impact in the selection process. If a member of a protected category is eliminated from consideration at a greater proportion than a majority category, then disparate impact might be occurring. Although the Internet should, in theory, make job openings available to a greater diversity of candidates, it may in fact discriminate against protected groups. Unclear guidelines for follow-up procedures upon posting resumes online are a frequent complaint by online job seekers. It is difficult to set the same rules across the entire online career providers as they all try to differentiate themselves by using different navigation, data storage and retrieval techniques. Whether the network effect is at work in the e-philanthropy industry is an empirical question. Nevertheless, it can be understood that people give to what they believe to be successful programs. The more users of an online-giving website, more perceived value from the customers. Utilizing a service for accepting donations electronically is not a high cost endeavor, nor is updating online information that could reassure potential donors that their money will be properly utilized towards the cause they seek to support. Porter and Karmer point out that individuals rarely have the time or expertise to undertake such serious due diligence when it comes to uncovering who and what benefits from their donation. Utilizing news and media outlets of all types, the Internet and the donor's network effect, individuals can be quite aware of where their money goes. Charities and NPOs have the ability to educate potential donors on what they do and how they do it. Constantly updated facts and figures, Internet seals of approval and customer evaluation dialog and feedback within user communities can all be utilized to help put a cautious donor at ease, fostering strong network effects.

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