ISSN: 1204-5357
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Even a few months ago, email-based business discussion were the exclusive preserve of big organizations with staff to set up and maintain computer networks. Today, the DeLiberation™ Consultative Framework from ARRAY Development offers the power of Web-based conferencing to anyone who can point a mouse and click.
With DeLiberation™, there is no software to install and no complex commands to learn. DeLiberation provides a full set of navigational tools, graphical interface and self-maintaining design that eliminate the need for the overhead normally associated with maintaining Web pages, newsgroups, and email lists.
Editor's Note: The new IBC-Forum uses the DeLiberation™ System. It allows you to join informed discussions with Internet banking and commerce professionals around the world.
Unlike a teleconference or online chat, participants do not need to be all logged on at once. Instead, conversations typically take place over days, weeks, or even months. Participants receive all messages from other members of the discussion group, but don't have to save or store them. To refresh their memory, they turn to DeLiberation™'s central storage site and sort messages by topic, date or author to quickly find the information they want. Even though participants may never actually meet either in person or on line, DeLiberation™ produces a discussion that has the feel of real-life conversation.
The central DeLiberation™ record maintained by ARRAY Development makes it easy for newcomers to join a discussion in progress. Background documents can also be stored centrally so that participants can have access to information without having to worry about storing or maintaining it themselves. For very confidential discussions, the central storage can be used to provide password protection to sensitive information.
The Standard DeLiberation™ Service:
• Needs Only Email Access to Internet
• Has No Software to Install, No Manual to Read
• Includes a User-Friendly, Intuitive Graphical Interface
• Provides Support for the Discussion Moderator
• Includes Guidelines to Ensure Discussions Produce Decisions
• Provides Detailed Usage Statistics for Administrators
• Allows Discussion To Be Open or Password Protected
• Can include Online Biographies, Corporate Information and Other Background
• More advanced features can be added at any time to meet the needs of the discussion group.
Conferencing is one of the important ways in which the Web is transforming internal corporate communication. Webbased tools can do everything from providing online customer service to gathering client and consumer feedback about new products. Associations can allow members from across the country to participate in ongoing policy discussions. DeLiberation™ is proving particularly attractive to government departments because it allows participation by stakeholders who are not on the department's computer network.
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