ISSN: 1204-5357
JIBC depends on a prestigious core group of authors and Contributing Editors to identify and analyze the trends and latest developments in Internet banking and commerce.
We look for individuals who are exploring issues and possibilities in their "days jobs" and who are willing to share some of their key findings with JIBC on a quarterly basis. As a Contributing Editor, your contribution could be your own insights and analysis of developments that attract your interest. It could also be as simple as asking permission for JIBC to post an article or report (or an executive summary of a report) that you feel is of significant interest to a colleague or a peer.
The role of a Contributing Editor does not require a significant time commitment. Our thinking is that if you come across something exciting, you will probably be sharing the news electronically with friends and colleagues. As a Contributing Editor, you could simply add JIBC Editor Nikhil Agarwal to the list when you send out such really significant messages. Since we only want a contribution about every three months, you could also just pick the most significant of your recent mailings when it comes time for the next JIBC submission. If three months go by with nothing that really strikes your fancy, just advise the Editor that you haven't come across anything you think is really worth our readers' time and we will pass in that particular edition -- there is no pressure to publish for the sake of printing.
You individually or you and your company will be identified (with email/URL links) on each contribution. JIBC typically appeals to a very high-level, global audience. There is significant value in being regularly presented to this audience as a credible and knowledgeable professional in this emerging field.
We are keen to have you on our Editorial Board. JIBC usual practice is to invite the prospective editor as author. Once you have published the paper, based on positive feedback, we would invite you to serve on our Board.
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